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Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina

Linville Falls on the
Blue Ridge Parkway

October 2009

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All photos and illustrations by Pat Johns ©2009 - present
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See links to article references at the end of the article.

As the leaves change colors in the fall along the Blue Ridge Parkway in NW North Carolina many travelers leave the parkway for the Linville Falls Visitors Center and a hike to the series of waterfalls known as the Linville Falls.

Histories of this area say that it was the summer home of the Cherokee Indians until the U.S. government removed them in 1778. The falls were renamed for William and John Lynvile who were massacred by the Indians two miles above the falls in 1766. The area then became known as "the Great Falls of Lynvile.

In 1952 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. provided about $100,000 for purchase of the land, including a 1,100 acres around the falls and a portion of Linville Gorge and donated it to the National Park Service.

Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina

The Linville Falls are at the beginning of the Linville Gorge, formed by the Linville River, which ends near Lake James. The Linville River begins at Grandfather Mountain in Avery County NC.

Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina

More than 140 years ago there was only one falls over this rock formation. In the early 1870s however, the lower ledge broke off. . .

"Now the Upper Falls flows over a twelve-foot rock shelf, then the water drops 90 feet at the Lower Falls into a swirling pool. This pool, known as the Plunge Basin, heads the 12,000 acres of Linville Gorge Wilderness Area, unequaled in depth and wilderness in eastern America. For a distance of about 12 miles below the falls, the turbulent river flows in a series of cascades through a narrow gorge. The sides of the gorge reach to depths of 600 to 2000 feet and cut down through the eroded Linville quartzites into the granite below."
~ (see link below)

Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina


Linville Falls is located just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are several trails leading to views of the upper and lower falls. The surrounding forests contain virgin hemlock, white pine, oaks, hickory, and birch trees.

The falls are located at Mile Post 316.3 of the Blue Ridge Parkway, between where US 221 crosses the Parkway and where NC 181 crosses the Parkway. Access to Linville Falls can also be obtained from NC Highway 221. At the Linville Falls Community, follow the signs to the park. If coming from the north, turn left at "Famous Louise's" restaurant. If coming from the south, turn right.

Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina
Linville Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Boone North Carolina

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